Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little Turtle Surprise

Today, I went in for what was supposed to be just a normal 15 week prenatal visit. I figured it would be the normal weight, urine sample, blood pressure, fetal heartbeat, questions kind of day. It ended up holding lots of surprises. First, I left my urine sample which was really cloudy(sorry if you didn't want to know that). This wasn't so worrisome but I figured it probably wasn't ideal either. Then, I stepped on the scale for my weight. I had no gain at all putting my total weight gain for this pregnancy at a -2 pounds. So, now I was thinking this is not good. Things go normal from there until the doctor tries to listen to the heartbeat. SHE COULDN'T FIND IT!!! I didn't want to totally flip out but I knew things weren't looking so hot. So at this point the doctor decides we need to do an ultrasound. I am not going to lie, I was preparing myself for the worst. Then, up on the screen popped a healthy baby. While the doctor was looking around for the heartbeat she says, "Did you see that? Did you see the little turtle?" I was thinking to myself, "What on earth?" The doctor then clarified that she thought I was having a boy and she had gotten a shot of his little turtle. We found the heart beat which was strong and healthy and I found out that I am actually 16 weeks 4 days pregnant, not just 15, moving my due date to January 30th. I am so grateful everything turned out alright.

1 comment:

:Brittany: said...

Oh My! I was holding my breath while reading! I'm so glad everything is okay! Congrats again!